Don’t Sleep On Planes

Why can’t we put everything we have into everything we do?
— Unknown




When I saw that as a screen grab I was immediately drawn to it. If you know me, I’m the guy that sleeps on planes before it even takes off so I was immediately curious to know if what I was doing was wrong. What the individual in the video was trying to share was that when you sleep on planes, you lose the opportunity to have a conversation and network, and you never know whom you might meet. The individuals ends up telling a story how a plane ride changed the trajectory of their life from a business perspective.

I understand what the individual was getting at, (I’m still going to sleep on planes) but when it comes to taking advantage of opportunities I will make sure to stay awake and take advantage of the opportunities in front of me.

Recall a moment where you might have slept off a blessing???

Ok U Go Grow 🌱

Last week I told you about my win the day strategy stemmed from the 75 Hard challenge. As promised here is what my Ok U GO win the day looks like. I can sit here, lie and say yes I complete all these tasks every day but that’s not the case. There are some days where I get none of these tasks done, some days where I get all but one done, some days where I crush it. The goal is to win more days than I lose and trust the process that 1% better every day is the path to true compound success.

OK U GO Challenge 📅

  • Water Only

  • Workout 45 Minutes - 1 Hour

  • Learn for 30 minutes

  • Read 10 Pages or Audible 20 Minutes

  • Duolingo Lesson 

  • Devotional 

  • Journal 

  • Give Thanks | Talk To Family 

  • Make Content

  • Shoot Shot (Biz)

    • At least 4 cold emails/calls

OK U GO Read 📚

Currently reading list includes:

I’m off my current target of at least two books a month, I think we can all make at least 20 minutes a day to read but for some reason I’ve been in a rut when it comes to making time to read.

OK U GO Learn 🤓

My philosophy is if you’re not learning you’re not earning. Over the past three months I’ve been learning Spanish and as of a month ago start taking my native dialect (Igbo) classes. In addition to that I signed up for a Google Project Management class.

Duolingo for Spanish, Amazing Talker for Igbo, and Coursera for the Google Class. There’s no excuses to learn if we want something.

My goal is to be fluent in Spanish by 2026 world cup, conversational in Igbo within 12 months, and Google program certified by November.

Find ways to challenge yourself, you’ll be surprised how far you can go!

OK U GO Earn 💰

The average millionaire has 7 streams of income. When you think of this you may think that that means that the individual has 7 different businesses but that is not always the case. When we think of multiple streams of income, we forget that streams come from a bigger body of water. So think of your main source of income as the bank of water or river and the streams are silos from that river. For example, as a professional athlete you make money from playing your sport but other streams can include: training, consulting, brand partnerships, product reviews, etc.

Below is a screen shot of how to think about multiple streams…

7 Standard Streams Of Income + Multiple Streams Breakdown


OK U GO Create 🎨

If you build it…maybe they’ll support it. To be honest, you’ll never know unless you do it. I created an animation series pilot and just let it go on standby. With the encouragement of my brother I brought it back on the shelf and will look to make something of it. The first step is creating a Kickstarter to see if we have the traction, whether or not we reach our target, this project will be brought to life in some capacity.

Check out our kickstarter here.

OK U GO Train ⚽️

The way I stay in shape is by giving myself new fitness challenges to give me something to beat or at least aspire to beat. I personally believe that the more we can gamify our training and fitness, the more efficient we can accomplish our goals.

This past weekend, I did the Murph Challenge with some buddies for the first time. It was quite the workout:

1 mile, 300 squats, 200 push ups, 100 pulls, 1 mile. You’re suppose to do it with a 20 pound weight vest but for my first time I decided against that.

Tough workout but it’s definitely do able and when you have people you are pushing yourself with, it can make a big difference.

If you’re interested in joining my fitness club, join here.

Amobi Okugo working out with the Murph crew.

Murph crew!! They started this during Covid 2020 and have since kept the tradition. Fortunately, they let me tag along.


OK U GO Foundation 🌎

We completed our summer program and it was an amazing time and experience for our foundation. Not only did we provide great impact for the kids we were serving we learned a great deal about what the kids were going through. I’ll be sharing a blog on this soon.

We are excited to announce our FreeSummer Soccer Skills & Drills Camp in partnership with Mack Road Community Center end of July, if you are in Sacramento click here to learn more.

If you’d like to support our efforts check us out at

OK U GO Ask Me Anything 🤔

Ask me for anonymous advice. Everything is free game. Whether it’s sports, life, career, lifestyle, my hot take, or random things and I'll share answers in one of this emails or personally with you 1:1. Keep it fun! Let's learn together and have some good times. Hit me here.

OK U GO Share 💌

If you like my newsletter please share with a friend or two. Send them this article, my website, or my social channels.

(P.S. we’re working on a referral platform to help reward y’all for building our community).


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