
The Ok U Go Foundation is a non-profit providing soccer and financial education after school to inspire youth to GO after their endeavors.

Our Why

Increases self esteem and improves life skills through personal and career development and mentorship.

Improves attendance by reducing drop out rates, and closes achievement gaps for underserved students.

White apple graphic

Promotes health & wellness through physical activity and offers nutritional guidance.

Roadmaps & Avenues for Kids

Our mission is to inspire children to find ways to GO for whatever endeavors they want to accomplish. In fact, Excellence Through Exposure is our mantra. We provide education, exposure, and opportunities to help youth unearth their talents and passions by providing the necessary tools and pathways for youth to pursue opportunities to build a better financial future for themselves, their families and their communities.


Our Game Plan

Our game plan is to help provide outlets through soccer, financial literacy, after school enrichment, and social programs to help children grow and develop to their full potential. As someone who went to after school programs, I can’t understate the value that had for me. One of my closest mentors to this day was from my after school activities. We hope to fulfill our mission of being conduits for success in our community.

A young boy plays soccer at an Ok U Go Foundation event after school.


Our Goal

We want to provide opportunities for professional development such as resume building, interview skills, workplace etiquette, and relationship building. We also teach goal setting strategies by identifying a child’s unique strengths, creating a road map that aligns with their interests and talents, so they can be successful long term. We accomplish this by curating engaging experiences that broaden their knowledge of opportunities to earn income, all while learning financial literacy skills like budgeting, saving, and planning. Children love our activities, speaking series, field trips, and more, all while learning to face set backs, persevere, know their personal value, build their reputation, and establish safe, trusted relationships with adults and mentors.

Our Programs

Ok U Go Earn

Financial Literacy Workshops

Compound Interest

Paths to Earning

Budgeting 101

Ok U Go Play

Summer Skills & Drills Soccer Series

Soccer Camps

Community Events

Sac Town Youth Nights

Ok U Go Grow

After School Programs

Professional Development

Job Shadowing


Support Our Mission


“My kids had so much fun! They came home talking about budgeting and saving."



